Triad International Ballet School – where excellence begins...
We exist to inspire and nurture excellence in the Piedmont Triad Area and to share the extraordinary talent we develop here with the world. This excellence begins in the studio classroom with our aspiring young dancers.
Triad International Ballet School is a pre-professional ballet preparatory academy for students (aged 10-18) and for graduates (aged 18 & above). Entrance is by audition only and existing students (including those in the graduate program) must pass an annual assessment to remain a part of this specialist program from year to year.
Our program is based on the 8 year study program developed by the late, great Agrippina Vaganova and further developed by our Artistic Director, Natalya Davison, and our senior ballet faculty – each of whom were trained in the Vaganova method from their own attendance at the Bolshoi and other world renowned Ballet & Choreographic Institutes.
School aged and graduate program students of the Triad International Ballet School are included as potential cast members in ballet productions of the Triad International Ballet company each year. Casting opportunities depend on which ballets we are doing and vary with the needs of each production.
We believe that traditional classical ballet training and the unique experiences embodied in dancing the classical ballet masterworks gives dancers of today the strongest foundations and deepest expressive range to become the leading artists of tomorrow.
Follow us and watch our cherished student dancers as they develop as artists and gain skills and experience through performing with our professional company. Photos and video clips are shared with you throughout the year on our social media. There are recitals, and two full productions each year where you can experience them in person.

Natalya Davison, Head of School, premier maître de ballet.