EXTRA EXTRA Calling all businesses! This is a non-profit's innovative open invitation to become dance partners...
Help us reach deeper within the community and partner with local businesses.

This year we started a new initiative called #TriadDancePartners and invited local businesses who didn't know us to get involved and partner with us in the lead up to our main production of the year "Romeo and Juliet". The idea was thought up by Katja Maas of Maas Creatives. The idea has been modestly successful. Reel Seafood Grill on New Garden Road reported back that they had three partons go to the show, all of whom came back to them with rave reviews. They enthusiastically stated that they will always be happy to participate and support us this way.
"All new ideas take time to catch fire" says Katja, " I think this one will."
We plan to continue with this. We will do it again for every show going forward. Please get in touch with us if you would like to participate and we will let you know what show is next and when we will get the materials to you.
Here is how it works...
You complete the form below. We give you a ballet poster to put in your window and a partner sheet to display on a counter top in your premises. You fill in the dates for how long you want to your offer to run (it can be two days or the whole month) and you decide what the offer is. When you post about it on social media like Krave did (see above), we will pick it up and add it to our highlights on Instagram and post about it on all our other social channels. To redeem an offer all your customer needs to do is show you a ticket that they have purchased for the ballet. The initiative runs on a honor basis. No more proof is needed.